Digitization of Archival Holdings is being carried out under a Three Year's development Project with following aims and objectives: To save original documents from wear and tear during consultation process. To extend time and cost effective, research facilities to the researchers, historians and students. To acquire and use modern technological developments qualitatively and quantitatively for the betterment of Archives. To improve the human resources in the National Archives of Pakistan. To restore such brittle documents which need immediate strengthening before digitization.
The National Archives of Pakistan has preserved a huge collection of rare and historically significant documents, newspapers and periodicals. Some of the newspapers and collections have been microfilmed while the rest of them are still waiting their turn to be microfilmed. With the passage of time and ever developing technologies, microfilming process is becoming obsolete rapidly. Getting microfilming materials, equipment and services/repairs of sophisticated equipment has become impossible. It is, therefore, need of the time to switch to the digitization process for preservation of this historical treasure for posterity and saving it from wear and tear during consultation process. Modern Archives are being transformed very fast into digital format. Due to its three pronged benefits:
It is very convenient for end users and other researchers to read the document on computers rather than the microfilms. The NAP has started the gigantic task of digitization of its huge collections without adding any human resource. However, due to the limited equipment and the lack of trained/qualified professionals in the field of IT, it is not yielding the required results. To achieve the goal, a lot of equipment and human resources are required. This requirement will be fulfilled through the PSDP project under which a number of experts will be hired along with sophisticated equipment to achieve optimum target. Most of the documents to be digitized are at the advanced stages of deterioration and before handling may need a conservation operation. Necessary staff is included in the project to give the document preliminary treatment to revive some strength.